Category Archives: School

Shell Scholarship mini Recruitment Day

After many tried since SPM…
Thanks God finally I got my first scholarship interview, and it is Shell Scholarship!


Unlike others scholarship, shell scholarship have multiple selection stage:

  1. On-line application
  2. On-line test (logic test for computer science)
  3. Interview (phone interview for my case)
  4. Mini Shell Recruitment Day.

What make shell interview so special is the Shell Recruitment Day (SRD).

Attending a Shell Recruitment Day is the final step of the assessment process

You will attend an afternoon of non-assessed, interactive activities where you’ll be given further insight into Shell’s global businesses. It is designed to give you a realistic preview of the activities, in which Shell is involved, and the range and nature of issues facing our business.

The day includes a written exercise, group discussion, a presentation-based case study that includes a presentation and final interview.

We will be observing your capacity for analysis, decision making and creating workable solutions. Other qualities we’re looking for are drive and enthusiasm, resilience and confidence. Equally important is your ability to develop positive relationships and communicate well at all levels.

Credit : Shell Website

After a long wait since Febuary, finally I reached the final stage for this interview! Mini Recruitment Day at Shell Sarawak Berhad.
I can’t believe I could make that far for this scholarship.

The night before SRD, i received a phone call on 8pm and asked me to attend SRD on next day 730am.
Without any preparation, I accepted and pray hard for it.
I think this is one of the “strategy” for the SRD to asset the real and original me.

For our SRD, they only asset 4 people including me. 2 guys from UTM, origin Kuching and 1 girl from Curtin Miri.
It start from 730am to 12pm with the progress:

  1. Group Discussion
  2. Case Study preparation
  3. Case Study presentation
  4. Case Study Written Test
  5. Competency based Interview

For Group discussion, we have to study some materials(e-mail) and each of us was given an extra information. Then, we have to discuss a best plan which fulfil the case requirement.
As the same time, there were 4 assessor observing each of us during whole discussion.

Our case case was about a plan to take care the safety and health of intern during their off shore internship. We have to plan the training, cost, equipment, transportation for every intern.
The whole discussion is like MUET test. Just try to voice out the point but don’t too dominant or passive.

For Case Study preparation, it was another set of material(e-mail also). The case study was about increasing income of an oil field. I was given 3 options and I have to analysis every option. Then, I have to present it to our manager (assessor). After presentation, there was a Q&A section for my proposal, and the questions were technical and tough one.

Just analysis every information and link them together. Jump out of box will impress them. (Eg: not necessary choose 1 out of 3 option but working every option together)

Next, I proceed to the written test, which related to the case study.
It required to produce some questions to get more information I need I for my analysis.
It just like critical to asking the right question.

Lastly was the competency based interview. It’s almost same as phone interview. Just some achievement, challenge, relationship management question.

After Interview, it’s the end for the mini SRD.
Thanks God and Shell for giving me this opportunity to learn more.
I love with this awesome experience with shell and hope can experience more in the future.

Final result will be announce in the end of August.
I already performed my best, just leave the rest to God.
Pray hard, rest hard and start work hard!

Zoom! I completed my first year University…

Just a few blogposts in 2014…
I already completed my first year in UTM…

It’s because I’m really busy for my first year…
And I think the busyness doesn’t bring much input for me.
because there is not much record/show case of everything!

The feeling get stronger after I read the book《Show Your Work》


The author said that one should always share creativity and stay discovered.
And I believe this is what I need after a busy year.

So, let’s bring it to practical!
Here is some show case I done in first year:

  1. 1 Citizen Cyber War Short film
  2. Lip Moist Business Website
  3. AIESEC MyLDS sticker series
  4. CARE – Create A Ripple Effect
  5. AIESEC Appraisal Day
  6. Personal Website & Sporting Complex Online Booking System

Quite a lot blog post to complete right?
Besides this, I have the whole NZ trip in pending…
And this the not the last! I still have to prepare for
Student Exchange to Taiwan
Big Data Competition, my gateway to Taiwan

Look like I going to have a busy holiday again!
But this time, I’m showing my work!

MUET First round~

Finally the first round MUET exam had finished…
The topic is about who will be the best way to prevent obesity among schoolchildren…

Once i saw this topic…
The first thing come in my mine is exercise~
Other things for example balance diet, junk food i forgot to mention…
Hope this will not deduct my mark…

Ah!!! ask me write in english i really no idea how to write it..
Next time i’ll write more ba…=X