有時候真的像今天Data Structure的課所說的:
當人生一大堆事情一團亂的時候,不要嘗試去sort。因為會連sort的力氣都沒有。倒不如一點一點的extract min,慢慢的把事情解決。
有時候真的像今天Data Structure的課所說的:
當人生一大堆事情一團亂的時候,不要嘗試去sort。因為會連sort的力氣都沒有。倒不如一點一點的extract min,慢慢的把事情解決。
Everyone like to eat/buy, but do you know someone willing pay back you when you eat/buy thing?
All you need is to become a professional customer——a service checker.
A service checker is a part time job, which required you to perform some service/product check for some branded company.
The most common check in Malaysia is MacDonald and the paid is from 5 USD – 10 USD.
Currently, the opportunity is here. The service checker team is having mass recruitment for any people not less than 18 years old live in the following area:
Same as every thing, you’ll only know how good/bad a thing is only if you tried it yourself.
If you fulfil the requirement, then here is the simple tutorial for you to take the first step.
Share this news with your friend and comment if any question.
Register an account at Paypal if you don’t have any.
Please make sure you have a with correct personal information, especially e-mail.
Go to http://www.internationalservicecheck.com/ and choose your language.
choose Service Checker > Want to become a Service Checker
Read (but we normally won’t) and agree the term and condition.
Fill your personal data, be real.
More information to fill.
For question “How did you find out about INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHECK?”
please choose “Recommendation” and fill “Kiwi Lo” if my tutorial helped you.
After registration, there’ll be a confirmation e-mail send to your e-mail address.
Login your account with the provided link and login details in the e-mail.
*Remember/store your user ID as you need it for every login.
Fill a more details personal data, the task is assigned base on the information given, so be accurate.
Eg: if I fill JB, I’ll only get assign check for JB area.
Tadaa! You’re already a member in the ISC team, but your’re not ready for a check yet.
In 24 hours, you’ll received and e-mail regarding certification test.
Just like study, we need certificate to show our qualification.
You need to obtain these two certificates before your first check.
Quality Certification and McDonald’s Certification
To get the certification, login your account > my certifications.
Once you obtained the certificates, contact me from here/fb/tweeter I’ll request my coordinator to assign you your very first check as soon as possible.
I’ll not post a tutorial for how to perform a check because different area may have different check progress.
But don’t worry, there’ll be a complete guideline for you when you received the assign check.
Share this news with your friend and comment below if any question.